Opinions about everything and anything that is going on in my world
Published on April 17, 2004 By phobiagirl In Humor
How fast are our children growing up these days? My son is in grade five and is nine years old. Already he is receiving sex education at school. Something that I did not have in school until grade eight. He has been noticing girls since he was in grade one, and according to all his friends he also knows how to charm them all. Makes his Dad proud.

But now we have reached a new phase in the life of my son. That is the stage of the bathroom hermit. This stage will not peak until he becomes a teemager but at nine he is already spending a lot of time in the bathroom grooming. He has started asking for hair gels and deodorants and can spend up to an hour trying to get his hair just right. The other day I caught him standing in front of the mirror talking to himself and this is what he was saying. "Whose good looking? You are the good looking one." what is a mother to do? At least I can take some comfort in the fact that he has a healthy self esteem.

As my nine year old is the oldest of three boys and one girl I am wondering if we should add a third bathroom to the house?

on Apr 17, 2004
awww, how cute! "Whose a good mom? You're a good mommy." hahaa

on Apr 17, 2004
I have a nine-year old boy along, with an 11 year old girl and and 7 year old boy. The phone calls to our house from little girls declaring that they 'like' him has just started recently. The bathroom hogging and refusal to wear anything not considered 'cool' has been going on for a while, both from the 9 year old and his sister... luckily she hasn't gotten any calls yet..but I'm sure the day is coming.
on Apr 17, 2004
I have an 18 yr old boy, as well as 14 and 11 yr old girls....the older two spend a lot of time in the bathroom, and are pretty interested in the opposite sex, especially my son, as he is the only one old enough to date at this point. We don't get phone calls from girls/boys all that often, and the 14 yr old is the only one who worries about her clothes being "cool"....the other two just want stuff that they like, which can be a heck of a lot tougher to find sometimes!!!
on Apr 17, 2004
Welcome to "You can't raise your child, so the government will step in and give him/her the talk." Another bathroom may be wise, but as having been a boy once, keep both eyes on him. Give him your own talk, both of you. Choreograph it, and tell him everything. Everything. Include responsibility. And common sense. Then each of you keep a good eye on him. Boys are good at running amuck. Good luck and God help you with the other two.
on Apr 17, 2004
My sixteen year old brother is the same way.... It is the worst, The phone never stops ringing with giggly girls.... Add a bathroom!