Opinions about everything and anything that is going on in my world
Published on April 20, 2004 By phobiagirl In Misc
Ok, so I figured out how to become a blogger. But I only found out about how to from T.V. I know how to send an email but I don't know how to add attachments and I am always scared that the next button that I push is going to cause my whole computer to come crashing down. Now my husband is getting all excited about broadband and I am asking so what is so great about that? My husband's response is to give me these incredulous looks and then launch into all this computer speak which I don't understand. It's a whole new language to me. He hacks and I tentatively type, he sets up new programs and I send my sister an email. Slowly I am learning to do more things on the computer but still it is a slow process.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not that old and I am of the generation that have had computers in the classroom since primary school. When someone explains how to do things on the computer in plain old everyday english I can follow and often I even understand what the person is explaining to me. It is when the computer guru launches off into his IT rhetoric that I fail to understand. Why does there have to a special language for the information highway.

Please explain?

on Apr 20, 2004
Phobia - you will find that any and all areas of which you have no experience have a "jargon" to them... this even extends to basic human activities like parenting. Read a book about having a new baby and you will encounter all sorts of things you have never heard of. You will always encounter new concepts and words to express them when you leave your "comfort zone" behind. When you hear nothing new in a while it usually means you are in a rut. Nice post. Hope to hear mroe from you soon.