Ok, so I figured out how to become a blogger. But I only found out about how to from T.V. I know how to send an email but I don't know how to add attachments and I am always scared that the next button that I push is going to cause my whole computer to come crashing down. Now my husband is getting all excited about broadband and I am asking so what is so great about that? My husband's response is to give me these incredulous looks and then launch into all this computer speak which I don't understand. It's a whole new language to me. He hacks and I tentatively type, he sets up new programs and I send my sister an email. Slowly I am learning to do more things on the computer but still it is a slow process.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not that old and I am of the generation that have had computers in the classroom since primary school. When someone explains how to do things on the computer in plain old everyday english I can follow and often I even understand what the person is explaining to me. It is when the computer guru launches off into his IT rhetoric that I fail to understand. Why does there have to a special language for the information highway.
Please explain?